It takes a lot of guts to stand naked in front of a camera, to let it record, to let it see – you.
Stripping people of their clothes, removes that outer protective layer. They sit before the camera as if saying, ‘This is me, this is what I look like and I’m proud of it. I don’t care if I don’t fit the conventional idea of what is considered ideal. This is me and I am beautiful. I am human.’
The portraits in these folios are not to everyone’s’ taste. If you are looking for something a little softer, more sensual try Boudoir Photography
The Photographs
Nude Portraits
It takes a lot of guts to stand naked in front of a camera, to let it record, to let it see – you. To produce nude or naked portraits.
These nude and naked portraits are created with the help of many talented women. The finished images are a result of a collaboration between the photographer and subject rather than an imposition of a style on them.
Nude (or naked) black and white portraits of confident women, exposed to the eye of the camera.
Personal space is a collection of nude portraits of women at home in their environment surrounded by treasured possessions and sometimes the detritus of real life.
Personal space is a collection of nude portraits of women at home in their environment surrounded by treasured possessions and sometimes the detritus of real life.
A collection of surreal female nude photographs that are slightly strange.
Twenty unconventional nude portraits of women that reflect their personality and lifestyle. An alternative to boudoir the photographs that show real women as they want to be seen.
Thinking About It
A series of articles and portfolios that explore the thinking behind some of my photography and look at photographing nudes in a wider context.

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Creative Nude Photography shows you how to go beyond the norms of conventional glamour. The book contains sections on the concept, but is it art plus practical advice on finding models and camera techniques. The final section shows examples of creative nude projects
Want a hard copy to read? Printed edition available here
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- Photography Modelling Guide
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