Welcome to my glamour photography folio. Of course, there’s some reading alongside it but feel free to skip straight to the pictures.
The problem is what is glamour
Is it a sexual attraction or an aesthetic condition of beauty? The modern conventions of language apply the word mostly to women. Dictionary definitions describe it as charming or fascinatingly attractive, a special or attractive quality, causing excitement or admiration but the uses quoted are often ‘a glamorous woman’.
Sometimes a job is defined as glamorous, hence the glamour boys (pilots) of world-war two.
Most definitions seem to include some magical or bewitching element. Does that mean the subject of the photo is attractive or the photographer has created an image that is?
Glamorous Women
This portfolio is devoted to photos of women so I’ll go with that application of the next bit.
The next problem is, what is attractive? Different people find different things attractive. For some, it might be an elegantly dressed woman, for others a woman in sexy or revealing clothing or underwear, and for others nude.
Then there is culture. Different body shapes appeal to different cultures. From the voluptuous in South America to the downright skinny in China. Even across Europe the Dutch seem to like their women a bit fuller than the Italians. See. Perceptions of Perfection Across Borders
You may find these photos glamorous or maybe not. It depends on where you live, your age, sex and personal tastes.
Whatever these are, I hope you enjoy at least some of them.
Glamour photography folio

You can see more in Scrap Yard Glamour. Want to capture glamour photos? Read some of my Glamour Photography Tips If you want to go Beyond Glamour try this article or Nude or Naked Portraits?